man up, make it up to (0) | 2023.06.25 |
Nobody puts anything on my plate (0) | 2023.06.24 |
spare the rod and spoil the child, tiger mom, alpha mom, beta mom, soccer mom, helicopter mom, alpha male, sigma male (0) | 2023.06.01 |
beautiful things don't ask for attention (0) | 2023.05.19 |
Golden Rule (0) | 2023.05.06 |
영화 *The Secret Life of Walter Mitty*에서 인용된 유명한 문구로 알려져 있습니다. 아름다운 것들은 주목을 요구하지 않는다는 의미로, 진정한 아름다움이나 가치 있는 것은 스스로 빛나며 인위적으로 관심을 끌려고 하지 않아도 자연스럽게 사람들이 알아본다는 철학적인 메시지를 담고 있습니다.
beautiful things don't ask for attention (0) | 2023.05.19 |
Golden Rule (0) | 2023.05.06 |
insignificant, it's not about what it is it's about what it can become (0) | 2023.05.01 |
snowball (0) | 2023.04.08 |
there are a lot of possibilities out there, tip of the iceberg, at the click of a button (0) | 2023.03.11 |
Golden Rule (0) | 2023.05.06 |
to know a fish go to the water, to know a bird's song go to the mountains, to know someone you should go to his or her home (0) | 2023.05.03 |
snowball (0) | 2023.04.08 |
there are a lot of possibilities out there, tip of the iceberg, at the click of a button (0) | 2023.03.11 |
It's not the size of the dog in fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog (0) | 2023.02.24 |