▶ Abram - We all live on a thin, solid crust above hot molten metal soup. That crust is typically less than 40 kilimeters deep, just twice the length of Manhattan. Rubies, sapphires, emeralds.... these all form there. But a diamond's home is deeper. Scientists measure pressure in pascals, and where diamonds form, pressures are five to six gigapascals. ▷ If you think of 80 elephants standing on your big toe, that is the pressure that is equivalent to five to six gigapascals. ▶ Abram - Every other precious gem is made up of combinations of elements. A diamond? Only one. Carbon. From a scientific perspective, the most important part of a diamond is this. ▷ These are small pieces of the mantle that's been trapped during diamond growth, and so these inclusions are actually the only direct samples that scientists have to study the deep earth. ▶ Abram - And those inclusions can be dated. If this is all of human history, and this is the time of the dinosaurs, this is the period when all the diamonds we see today were born. ▷ The oldest diamonds that have been dated actually predate life on Earth. ====================================== Carbon - 탄소 inclusion - 포함 predate - 보다 앞서오다
▶ Abram - Over 25 million years ago, diamonds blasted to the surface in rare and violent explosions. In the most seismically active regions, they just evaporated. In the more stable areas, they survived. This is a map of seismic waves through the Earth. The most stable areas are the pink ones. And that's where diamonds lay unnoticed for millions of years. The earliest piece of surviving diamond jewelry is this ring made around 300 B.C. Over the next 2,000 years, diamonds popped up in crowns, rings, and pins alongside other precious gems. And sometimes they were wedding gifts, like the diamond ring exchanged in the betrothal of Archduke Maximilian of Austria and Mary of Burgundy. But diamonds wouldn't become the unrivaled gemstone of love until these diamond deposits were discovered in South Africa 400 years later. Enter Cecil Rhodes, a British 17-year-old sent to South Africa, then Cape Colony. He would one day be remembered as a colonizer of Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe and Zambia, the namesake of Rhodes University, the creator of the Rhodes Scholarship, a zealousimperialist, and the founder of the company that would dominate the diamond industry for more than a century-De Beers. Under its watch, diamonds transformed from a gem like any other into a cultural touchstone. To understand how they pulled that off, you have to learn the De Beers' playbook. The first play--control supply. In the 1870s, Rhodes started buying up his competitors. ▷ I think it's important to understand De Beers didn't necessarily produce all of the diamonds in the world. They produced a lot of the diamonds. They bought supply from other producers, and this allowed them to basically ccontrol supply. ▶ Abram - Around 90% of the world's supply within two decades. ========================================= blast - 폭발시키다 alongside - 나란히, 옆에 unrivaled - 비할데 없는, 무적의 betrothal[ bɪ|troʊðl ] - (격식,구식)약혼(=engagement) namesake - 이름이 같은 사람 Cecil Rhodes - 영국의 아프리카 식민지 정치가, 케이프주 식민지 총독이 되어 다이아몬드광 ·금광을 비롯하여 철도 ·전신 사업 등을 경영하며 남아프리카의 경제계를 지배하고, 거대한 재산을 모았다. 유산 6백만 파운드의 대부분을 옥스퍼드의 장학금으로 기증, 그의 유언에 의해 설립된 로즈 재단(The Rhodes Trust)에서 매년 세계 각국의 인재들을에게 영국 옥스퍼드 대학교의 대학원 학위과정 수학을 지원하는 장학금이 주어진다. De Beers - 세계 최대의 다이아몬드 판매상 touchstone - 판단기준(=standard) playbook - (정치,상업 캠페인 따위의) 계획, 전술