▶ Michael : What an extraordinary life it has been. The book is called "From the Dead Level : Malcolm X and me." I read the manuscript.
▶ Cop A : A rising tide lifts all ships, Mate. I think we're owed some money.
▶ Cop B : Because even Sonia's can be raided.
▷ Mate : You'd do that, wouldn't you? You kill the goose that lays your golden egg.
▶ Cop B : Well, that would be dumb, wouldn't it?
▶ Cop A : But then again, everyone knows coppers are dumb.
▷ Mate : Oh, well, you can do one thing for me. You can stop your colleagues from having their boy's nigh out in my clubs. They are loud.
▶ Cop B : We'll pass the word along.