English in Daily Life2020. 12. 15. 23:45



다 금은 아니다
  • You cannot accurately judge a person solely by appearances.
  • It is not possible to make reliable judgments about things or people by considering external appearances alone.
  • Things that apprear valuable or worthwhile might not actually be so.


  • Beautiful clothes or an eye-catching appearance make a person appear similarly beautiful or impressive.



Posted by LILY
English in Daily Life2020. 12. 15. 13:38
카테고리 없음2020. 12. 12. 14:11


♬  Square Root of Possible - Madalen Mills ♪♩

Where's the world that you created
And the stories that you painted
With words that made me feel 10 feet tall?
Where's the magic in the moonlight
The surprise hidden in plain sight?
No, I don't see much to inspire much at all

And I'm ready now to fly away
And gravity won't get a thing to say
It's my choice if I get to touch the sky
Is it possible that the square root of impossible is me?

It's so possible
Watch me rise high above my obstacles
Watch me become who I'm supposed to be
Oh, the possibilities
'Cause the squarе root of impossible is possible
In me
In me

No, don't underestimate me
I don't need a hero to come and save me
Just 'cause I'm small don't mean that I can't kiss the clouds
I might not be there yet
But I'll get there, bet on it
'Cause I'm already three feet off the ground

Shut the windows and lock the doors
I'll take the roof off and then I'll soar
The rules that are written are just the beginnin'
There's more, so much more

Don't tell me there's too far to go
I know that I'm unstoppable
I'm ready now
Nothing's gonna slow me down
'Cause finally I see
Finally I see

It's so possible
Watch me rise high above my obstacles
Watch me become who I'm supposed to be
Oh, the possibilities
Don't tell me it's too far to go
I know that I'm unstoppable
'Cause the square root of impossible
Is me
Is me





Posted by LILY
English in the Book2020. 12. 9. 06:01

Chapter XII. "Might I Have a Bit of Earth?"


 1   Mary ran so fast that she was rather out of breath when she reached her room. Her hair was ruffled on her forehead and her cheeks were bright pink. Her dinner was waiting on the table, and Martha was waiting near it.
"Tha's a bit late," she said. "Where has tha' been?"
"I've seen Dickon!" said Mary. "I've seen Dickon!"
"I knew he'd come," said Martha exultantly. "How does tha' like him?"
"I think--I think he's beautiful!" said Mary in a determined voice.
Martha looked rather taken aback but she looked pleased, too.
"Well," she said, "he's th' best lad as ever was born, but us never thought he was handsome. His nose turns up too much."
"I like it to turn up," said Mary.
"An' his eyes is so round," said Martha, a trifle doubtful. "Though they're a nice color." "I like them round," said Mary. "And they are exactly the color of the sky over the moor."
Martha beamed with satisfaction.
"Mother says he made 'em that color with always lookin' up at th' birds an' th' clouds. But he has got a big mouth, hasn't he, now?"
"I love his big mouth," said Mary obstinately. "I wish mine were just like it."
out of breath - 숨이 가쁜, 숨이 찬




 2  Martha  chuckled delightedly.
"It'd look rare an' funny in thy bit of a face," she said. "But I knowed it would be that way when tha' saw him. How did tha' like th' seeds an' th' garden tools?"
"How did you know he brought them?" asked Mary.
"Eh! I never thought of him not bringin' 'em. He'd be sure to bring 'em if they was in Yorkshire. He's such a trusty lad."
Mary was afraid that she might begin to ask difficult questions, but she did not. She was very much interested in the seeds and gardening tools, and there was only one moment when Mary was frightened. This was when she began to ask where the flowers were to be planted.
"Who did tha' ask about it?" she inquired.
"I haven't asked anybody yet," said Mary, hesitating. "Well, I wouldn't ask th' head gardener. He's too grand, Mr. Roach is."   
"I've never seen him," said Mary. "I've only seen undergardeners and Ben Weatherstaff."     
"If I was you, I'd ask Ben Weatherstaff," advised Martha. "He's not half as bad as he looks, for all he's so crabbed. Mr. Craven lets him do what he likes because he was here when Mrs. Craven was alive, an' he used to make her laugh. She liked him. Perhaps he'd find you a corner somewhere out o' the way."
"If it was out of the way and no one wanted it, no one could mind my having it, could they?" Mary said anxiously.
"There wouldn't be no reason," answered Martha. "You wouldn't do no harm."
grand - huge, huge, magnificent, fency, posh, fashionable
undergardeners - an assistant gardener
crabbed - 심술궂다, easily irritable, bad tempered
(crabby person/behaviour/ crabby handwritting - hard to understand, ill-tempered),  crustacean
not half as as - ~의 절반도 아닌
anxious -  fear, worry, bothering


 3  Mary ate her dinner as quickly as she could and when she rose from the table she was going to run to her room to put on her hat again, but Martha stopped her.
"I've got somethin' to tell you," she said. "I thought I'd let you eat your dinner first. Mr. Craven came back this mornin' and I think he wants to see you."
Mary turned quite pale.
"Oh!" she said. "Why! Why! He didn't want to see me when I came. I heard Pitcher say he didn't." "Well," explained Martha, "Mrs. Medlock says it's because o' mother. She was walkin' to Thwaite village an' she met him. She'd never spoke to him before, but Mrs. Craven had been to our cottage two or three times. He'd forgot, but mother hadn't an' she made bold to stop him. I don't know what she said to him about you but she said somethin' as put him in th' mind to see you before he goes away again, tomorrow."
"Oh!" cried Mary, "is he going away tomorrow? I am so glad!"
"He's goin' for a long time. He mayn't come back till autumn or winter. He's goin' to travel in foreign places. He's always doin' it."
"Oh! I'm so glad--so glad!" said Mary thankfully.



 4  If he did not come back until winter, or even autumn, there would be time to watch the secret garden come alive. Even if he found out then and took it away from her she would have had that much at least.
"When do you think he will want to see--"
She did not finish the sentence, because the door opened, and Mrs. Medlock walked in. She had on her best black dress and cap, and her collar was fastened with a large brooch with a picture of a man's face on it. It was a colored photograph of Mr. Medlock who had died years ago, and she always wore it when she was dressed up. She looked nervous and excited.
"Your hair's rough," she said quickly. "Go and brush it. Martha, help her to slip on her best dress. Mr. Craven sent me to bring her to him in his study."
slip - 옷을 재빨리 입다(벗다), to slip into/out of a dress



 5  All the pink left Mary's cheeks. Her heart began to thump and she felt herself changing into a stiff, plain, silent child again. She did not even answer Mrs. Medlock, but turned and walked into her bedroom, followed by Martha. She said nothing while her dress was changed, and her hair brushed, and after she was quite tidy she followed Mrs. Medlock down the corridors, in silence. What was there for her to say? She was obliged to go and see Mr. Craven and he would not like her, and she would not like him. She knew what he would think of her.
She was taken to a part of the house she had not been into before. At last Mrs. Medlock knocked at a door, and when some one said, "Come in," they entered the room together. A man was sitting in an armchair before the fire, and Mrs. Medlock spoke to him.
"This is Miss Mary, sir," she said.
"You can go and leave her here. I will ring for you when I want you to take her away," said Mr. Craven.




 6  When she went out and closed the door, Mary could only stand waiting, a plain little thing, twisting her thin hands together. She could see that the man in the chair was not so much a hunchback as a man with high, rather crooked shoulders, and he had black hair streaked with white. He turned his head over his high shoulders and spoke to her.
"Come here!" he said.
Mary went to him.
He was not ugly. His face would have been handsome if it had not been so miserable. He looked as if the sight of her worried and fretted him and as if he did not know what in the world to do with her.
"Are you well?" he asked.
"Yes," answered Mary.
"Do they take good care of you?"
hunchback - (모욕적)곱추

Posted by LILY
Idiom2020. 12. 8. 13:10


[ Origin ]

The phrase is speculated to have originated in the old American English but there is no literary proof to support this claim. 



[ Examples ]

  • The completion of this project was honestly a race against time. The client needed to have filed the documents in the court by today at any cost.
  • Can you not make this sound like a race against time? Let her take it slowly please?
  • My mother is racing against time right now. Please be by my side because I will need you around.


[ Study more ]

  • rat race - (대도시 삶의) 극심한 생존 경쟁

'Idiom' 카테고리의 다른 글

Birds of a feather flock together  (0) 2021.04.20
without further ado, fuss  (0) 2020.12.16
buck up  (0) 2020.12.08
live wire  (0) 2020.12.08
stand one's ground, hold one's ground  (0) 2020.12.07
Posted by LILY
Idiom2020. 12. 8. 13:06


[ Origin ]

The origin of the phrase comes from 19th century Great Britain, derived from those bucks or dandies who were regarded as the acme of snappy dressing in the Regency period. (In its turn, that word came from buck in the sense of the animal, and had a slightly older meaning still that suggested male gaiety or spirit, with unsubtle suggestions of rutting deer.)

In its dandified sense buck up first meant to dress smartly, for a man to get out of those comfortable old clothes and into something drop-dead gorgeous. Since to do so was often a fillip to the spirit, the phrase shifted sometime around the 1880s to its modern meaning.



[ Examples ]

  • After losing the first place position to Martha, everyone heard Mary's mother tell her to buck up.
  • People should learn to buck up after encountering any major issues as this is the only way they can succeed.
  • Matthew was told to buck up and resit the exams next year.


[ Study more ]

  • buck - the male of some horned animals, a vertical jump performed by a horse, (informal)make more cheerful


'Idiom' 카테고리의 다른 글

without further ado, fuss  (0) 2020.12.16
race against time  (0) 2020.12.08
live wire  (0) 2020.12.08
stand one's ground, hold one's ground  (0) 2020.12.07
apples to apples, apples to oranges, apples and oranges  (0) 2020.11.28
Posted by LILY
Idiom2020. 12. 8. 12:58



[ Origin ]

We were unable to obtain the precise origin of the idiomatic phrase "live wire." In actual, a live wire is an electrical wire through which there is a flow of electricity, which is a form of energy. Hence, a person is said to be a live wire when he appears to be a very energetic one, just like a live wire which posses electrical energy. 



[ Examples ]

  • John is such a live wire; he is a good source of entertainment.
  • Jennifer is the only live wire - the rest of the group of is totally dull.
  • Susanne is a real live wire; she spread positive vibes all over.


[ Study more ]

  • life of the party : 파티를 즐겁게 하거나 고조시키는 것을 돕는 유형의 사람

  • go-getter : (특히 사업에서) 성공하려고 단단히 작정한 사람, 야심가

  • self-starter : 자발적으로 행동하는 사람

  • busy bee : 부지런한 사람

  • ball of fire : 힘이 넘치는 사람, 수완가, 정력가


'Idiom' 카테고리의 다른 글

race against time  (0) 2020.12.08
buck up  (0) 2020.12.08
stand one's ground, hold one's ground  (0) 2020.12.07
apples to apples, apples to oranges, apples and oranges  (0) 2020.11.28
be at odds with, game changer  (0) 2020.11.28
Posted by LILY
a word to the wise2020. 12. 8. 12:54

삶이 그대에게 레몬을 준다면,
레모네이드로 만들어버려라.
살면서 힘든 일이 있다고 해도
그것을 기회로 만들어라

You should always make the best
out of difficult situations.

Make the best of a bad bargain.


Posted by LILY