'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 1528건

  1. 2020.11.02 [ 뱅크잡 : 5 ] - extraordinary, manuscript, a rising tide lifts all boats, be raided, kill the goose that lays your golden egg, girls' night out, pass the word
  2. 2020.11.01 [ 2020 미국 대선 : 2 ] - campaign rally, drive-in, hold an edge, turnout, take it with a grain of salt, swim upstream, telegraph, fall flat, projected
  3. 2020.10.27 [ 코로나 19 : 3 ] - inner circle, positive/negative, breakdown, social-distance, infection, toll, exceed, shut down, stimulus check, adjourn, stimulus, evaporate
  4. 2020.10.27 [ 코로나 19 : 2 ] - curfew, lockdown, impose, ban, curb, restriction, hospitalize, asymptomatic, Super-spreader, Index case, Patient zero
  5. 2020.10.24 [ 코로나 19 : 1 ] - pandemic, fatigue, polarization, outbreak, skyrocket, deliberate, mandate, serge, advisory, quarantine
  6. 2020.10.23 [ 할로윈 ] Halloween - trick or treat, pumpkin carving, jack-o'-lantern, haunted house, horror movie, costume, Halloween colors, Halloween foods, house egging, throwing eggs
  7. 2020.10.22 [ 2020 미국 대선 : 1 ] - stake, endorse, a line drawn in the sand, smoking gun, appeal, ruling, absentee ballot, mail-in voting, drop-off, abortion, swing states, battleground states, cast one's ballots
  8. 2020.10.20 [ 뱅크잡 : 4 ] - have a word, be my guest, spot of bother, my treat, make small talk, make sense of, big score, set off an alarm, vault, have a laugh about, villain(철자), tool up, a once in a lifetime opportunity, pass up, get off, be up for
English on the Media2020. 11. 2. 09:56


▶ Michael : What an extraordinary life it has been. The book is called "From the Dead Level : Malcolm X and me." I read the manuscript




▶ Cop A : A rising tide lifts all ships, Mate. I think we're owed some money. 

▶ Cop B : Because even Sonia's can be raided.

▷ Mate  : You'd do that, wouldn't you? You kill the goose that lays your golden egg.

▶ Cop B : Well, that would be dumb, wouldn't it?

▶ Cop A : But then again, everyone knows coppers are dumb.

▷ Mate : Oh, well, you can do one thing for me. You can stop your colleagues from having their boy's nigh out in my clubs. They are loud. 

▶ Cop B : We'll pass the word along. 



Posted by LILY
English on the Media2020. 11. 1. 02:52






Posted by LILY
English on the Media2020. 10. 27. 11:17


Contagious is “transmissible by direct or indirect contact with an infected person.”

Infectious is “producing or capable of producing infection” and “containing pathogenic agents which may be transmitted.”

Both infectious and contagious diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses;

They differ in that contagious diseases may be spread by direct or indirect contact.

An ailment such as food poisoning is infectious, it is capable of producing infection, but it is not contagious. The coronavirus, on the other hand, is both contagious and infectious.

Anything that is contagious is automatically also infectious, but the reverse is not true.

[출처] www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/coronavirus-words-guide/covid-19




Posted by LILY
English on the Media2020. 10. 27. 06:08


An index case is “the first documented case of an infectious disease or genetically transmitted condition or mutation in a population, region, or family.” It may also, however, refer to an individual who has a disease, condition, or mutation that is the first one identified in a population.


This second sense is synonymous with index patient.


A related term is patient zero, “a person identified as the first to become infected with an illness or disease in an outbreak.” Patient zero is especially used to refer to a person documented as being the first known case of a communicable disease in a particular population or region.


[출처] www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/coronavirus-words-guide/covid-19

Posted by LILY
English on the Media2020. 10. 24. 12:42


An outbreak is “a sudden rise in the incidence of a disease”

An epidemic is “an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many individuals at the same time”; A pandemic is “an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population.”

An outbreak may become an epidemic if it spreads enough, as an epidemic may likewise become a pandemic.


[출처] www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/coronavirus-words-guide/covid-19




Posted by LILY
English in Daily Life2020. 10. 23. 11:58
English on the Media2020. 10. 22. 10:09




Abortion is a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus. 

Termination is synonym. 

Miscarriage is a naturally occurring event, unlike medical or surgical abortions. A miscarriage may also be called a "spontaneous abortion." 





Posted by LILY
English on the Media2020. 10. 20. 06:54

▶ Staff A  : Excuse me there, Miss. Can I have a word? (in the airport)

▷ Martine : Yes.

▶ Staff A  : Where have you been?

▷ Martine : Morocco.

▶ Staff B  : I'll have to check your underwear.

▷ Martine : Be my guest.

▶ Staff A  : We found what we were looking for.

▷ Martine : Found what? What were you looking for? (Calling) Oh, Tim. Thank God. I'm in a spot of bother.




▷ Martine : What have you been up to?

▶ Terry    : Nothing much. You?

▷ Martine : I was in Morocco recently.

▶ Terry    : Business or pleasure?

▷ Martine : Bit of both. Drinks are on me.

▶ Terry    : So, we gonna sit here all night making small talk?

▷ Martine : I know you, Terry. And I know your mates. You've always been looking for the big score, the one that makes sense of everything. I have it for you.

▶ Terry    : What?

▷ Martine : A bank.

▶ Terry    : A bank? As in rob? How would you know about a bank?

▷ Martine : I've been seeing this guy, runs his own business--security systems. Next month, they're installing new alarms in a bank in Marylebone. Seems like the trains have been setting off the tremor alarms in the vault and they've had to turn them off, so for a week or so, they won't have any. 

▶ Terry    : Now, why would he tell you all this?

▷ Martine : We were having a laugh about it. "Imagine if half the villains in London knew about this," he said, and I thought, "I know half the villains in London. I grew up with some of them."

▶ Terry    : Look. Me and my mates have been involved with the odd bit of skullduggery, but can you see us tooled up, taking on a bank like the James gang?

▷ Martine : This isn't about waving a water pistol at a cashier's head. This is about getting into the basement where the deposit boxes are, hidden, secret wealth--money and jewels that are safe to steal because poeple won't report it.

▶ Terry    : No, no, no. We can't talk about this here. 

▷ Martine : It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Terry. We can't pass it up.

▶ Terry    : Didn't expect this from you tonight, Martine.

▷ Martine : What did you expect, eh?

▶ Terry    : I'll have to think about it.

▷ Martine : Better get off to your stag party.

(after Terry left)

▷ Martine : Tim. What do you think?

▶ Tim      : Is he up for it?

▷ Martine : Maybe.

▶ Tim      : Cheers, Gorgeous.



Posted by LILY